Nuisance Wildlife Removal
Nuisance Wildlife Removal is a specialty business. It requires a unique set of skills and more knowledge of animal behavior and instincts than most people realize. There are also unique and sometimes dangerous risks involved with each job. As with any service, you get what you pay for, and we strive to do a professional job at a reasonable rate.
We do not charge a fee for an estimate; however, we do charge a fee for an inspection. An inspection entails thoroughly examining the building inside and outside for damage, determining what animal is the problem, and then determining the best long term solution. An inspection can in some cases take several hours, depending on the extent of damage and ease of access to all points of the building or property.

Setting traps, checking traps and following up on trapped animals requires a lot of travel time, trial and error, detective work, dedication and return trips. Few jobs are easy, but some are less difficult than others.
Our emergency service is generally limited to wildlife in the “living space” of your home; for example, a snake in a bathtub or a squirrel running around your living room, not the attic space, walking through the yard, or under a deck or shed. However what we consider an emergency can differ from what you consider an emergency. Keep in mind if immediate attendance is required we have to charge extra for that. If we get there and NO animal is present or cannot be located – the charge still exists.
In the situation an animal has become “educated” by failed attempts to capture by an unskilled trapper, we reserve the right to add an additional fee due to the increase in time and effort to capture and remove the animal.
To keep in accordance with state laws, all trap sets are live traps for any game species in MS, and must be checked every 36 hrs. Lethal traps can only be used for certain animals, and in certain situations. We will not risk the chance of catching a neighbors pet in a lethal trap just to give our customers a cheaper price. We cannot set traps on any property other than the Homeowner’s without written consent from the property owner. We check traps daily, but due to stress of being captured and Mother Nature sometimes can cause animals to expire. Keep all pets away from captured animals and trap sets. Not only can a pet harassing a trapped animal cause it to expire from stress, but also a Dog urinating on a trap will cause the set to be useless.

Exclusion and Decontamination Services
Exclusion is the process of keeping the nuisance animal from being able to re-enter the structure. Our exclusion service entails sealing current entryways, and advising of future problem areas. We use a combination of metal screen materials, foam and/or caulk sealants, and metal flashing. Certain areas we can only temporary seal; Roofing, Chimney and extensive wood repairs must be handled by a Contractor due to liability and possible property damage, and a Licensed Electrician must handle all electrical wire damage.
Exclusion estimates will be given before the trapping process has started. However, we cannot be held responsible for any additional damage that may be incurred to the buildings, belongings, or yard areas while in the process of removing the problem animals. Therefore the estimate may increase due to any additional damage the needs to be repaired.

Decontamination involves removing any nesting sites and soiled insulation, as well as using a Biocide aerosol spray that kills bacteria, virus, and removes odors left by the animal(s). Animal Feces and soiled areas are treated before removal to keep airborne particles to a minimum during removal, the areas are treated a second time on all bare wood surfaces in an effort to complete the sanitation.